Thursday 12 July 2012

The Lying Game - Chapters 5, 6 and 7

Chapter 5
A few days passed and life was going remarkably well, I had a job and girlfriend that I loved as well as a baby on the way. Once again my work took me out to the garden to try and revive one of the rose bushes and true to form Jesinta came out to talk to me. "Hey Jesinta"
"Hello my friend" she replied. "So glad to get out in the sunshine again after those few days laying low"
"Yeah I know it must be tough when you want to get out and about but when you do you run the risk of getting sick"
"It sucks. Even 18 months on I still find things every day I can't do that I used to. It was a good concert though and I really needed the night out, thanks again Steven"
"My pleasure" I replied as I continued to try and save the rose bush.
"Maybe we could head out some other time and do something" hinted Jesinta.
"Yeah maybe" I replied not wanting to commit too much.
"You know what Steven, I was kind of down on this place when I came a month ago but being able to talk to you has helped me a great deal"
"Whereabouts did you come from?" I asked knowing but curious to know the change of events that had brought her here.
"Well I used to live in Galwester, then I got shot obviously and was taken to a hospital just outside of there, after I was supposedly "recovered" I was told I had to leave the hospital, I only have a sister for family and she lives overseas so even though I owned my own home I couldn't live back there with no help. I moved to another centre for about 12 months but the place was closed down so I got transferred here as it was the only place that was available. I'm glad I had to move her now though because I met you" she finished with a smile.
"Yeah lucky you" I whispered to myself.
"Oh nothing" I replied. "Can I ask you something?"
"Fire away Steven"
"Being the way you are do you still think about dating?"
"Wow what a question" she said a bit surprised by my candour. "I guess you always want to have that feeling like someone loves you and cares for you so in that respect yes I think about dating. I can't imagine anyone would want me in this condition though, it would take a very special person" she added.
"I'm sure plenty of men will be in your future" I replied
"Plenty? Only need one!" said Jesinta giggling as good as you can on a vent.
"Well I'm sure you will find one then"
"You offering?" she asked.
"No I'm taken, I have a girlfriend and baby on the way" I replied
"First I have heard of it! Kept that quiet" said Jesinta who looked a bit surprised
"Oh haven't I ever brought it up?" I feigned knowing I hadn't.
"No you haven't. Well I guess now there's one less man I have to choose from then. I've got plenty though after all according to you"
"You will soon. Just give it time" I replied. With that said Jesinta was collected by Helena and moved back inside.

That night I headed home and as I arrived I saw a car reversing out of the spot reserved for our apartment. It appeared to be a man and after Helena's words and the suspect phone call the other night I was now starting to think maybe something was happening with Ursula. Once I entered I noticed Ursula seemed a little rattled. "Hey babe, you just have a visitor?"
"No why?"
"Oh I just saw someone come out of the spot reserved for us"
"You must have just imagined it" she replied very unconvincingly. I know started to think Helena was right and something was up.
After a restless night worrying about Ursula's misgivings I turned up for work and it just so happened to be Jesinta's 31st birthday. She had her makeup done and her dyed brown hair was down and looking good, she had a yellow sundress on and even had a bit of cleavage happening which I wasn't sure who was for, she was also showing a bit of leg and I couldn't help but notice how much her legs had wasted, she was a medium built girl but her legs now looked like that of a woman who was quite slim. "Hey Jesinta" I said as I entered. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and didn't seem too impressed but still acknowledged my appearance by way of a short "hello". "If I had of known it was your birthday I would have got you something" I said.
"All good. Plenty of other people knew so you can go off and do your work if you want" she replied. She was being very dismissive of me and I couldn't help but think this was because I told her I had a girlfriend and baby on the way.

Another week passed and as I went about my business at the centre a police car pulled up. I thought straight away that here it is, my moment of truth. The time I get dragged away in handcuffs never to see this place or be free ever again. I watched as they went up to Helena first and talked to her, probably telling her how I shot a woman in cold blood, I was sure then Helena wouldn't think that I was the good guy she always enthused about to me and others. After Helena I spied on them a little further and then saw them talking to Jesinta. Oh god would she be in for a shock when they tell her, of course they will probably only say I am suspected of doing it but everyone knows these days you are guilty before proven innocent, in this case though I was guilty, guilty as sin. They seemed to continue on for a few minutes with Jesinta so I walked off to the maintenance shed waiting for them to be directed to me.
As I sat there I waited for them to come and get me but 30 minutes passed and no-one came, I decided to peek my head out and just as I did that Helena turned up. "Your in trouble" she said as I just stood there frozen...
"I can explain" I replied
"Don't worry I know what you did. You had to do it though so all good" she smiled. I was like huh? What on earth was she talking about, i had paralyzed Jesinta, hardly cause for an "all good" comment.
"How can you possibly say what I did was ok?"
"That guy at the concert was an arse, he deserved to get hit. Hang on what were you thinking I meant?"
I breathed a sigh of relief, the police were here because of that arsehole I hit at the concert. "Oh I don't know. So is that guy pressing charges or something?"
"Yes he is, the police asked Jesinta and I if we knew where you were and we said that you don't work here anymore. Apparently the dick from the concert told them that you were with a girl in a wheelchair so that's why they thought of here. They didn't have your name or anything and seemed to believe our stories though so you should be safe"
"You shouldn't have lied to the police about it. I don't want to get either of you in trouble"
"Don't worry about it. That guy deserved it plus Jesinta couldn't care less about the police after their inability to find the person that shot her"
"Ok. Well you should have just handed me in but thanks" I replied. I knew the noose was now tightening on me even further, I was now wanted for two crimes and my freedom was going to be cut short at some point I was sure.
After a stressful day it didn't get any easier as I got home to Ursula. She told me that we needed to talk. "Umm Steven I really hate to say this but the baby isn't yours" said Ursula rather coldly.
"Your joking right" I said in disbelief.

"No I'm not. Your great and all Steven but I have been seeing someone else, he's not perfect but he has a lot of money and could provide a better life for my child and I" she replied

Straight away I noticed it had gone from 'our' child to Ursula saying 'my' child. I always knew Ursula was a bit kooky but I didn't expect her to be this flaky. I just simply had to ask one question. "Why?"
"Well as I just said Steven he has money. Our future will be safe. You just don't earn enough and your wasting your money on stupid things like concert tickets"
"How on earth do you know about that?"
"I ran into Helena at the supermarket and she crowed about how good a night it was. You lied to me and told me you were working late"
"You are getting on my case for lying when you told me that this baby was mine? You are unbelievable!!"
"Well I'm leaving Steven so I'm not interested in fighting". With that said she picked up her bags and left. I just sat on the couch utterly confused at what had just occurred, it went so quick it all seemed like a blur and my mind just couldn't seem to comprehend not just this but the whole day's events. When I woke up the cops were nowhere near me and I had a girlfriend who was expecting our baby, now the net was closing in on me with the police and I had been left heartbroken and alone. It's fair to say that night I hit the booze in a major way and after a bottle of bourbon passed out on the couch.

The next morning I was awoken by the incessant ringing of the phone. I was still incredibly drunk but finally answered. "Hello"
"Steven? Is that you"
"Yeah it's me. Who's this?" I slurred still barely coherent.
"It's Helena from the centre, Clarence what's to know where the hell are you,your supposed to be at work"
"I don't think I can come in today, had a little bit to drink"
"A little?? Sounds like a lot to me. Look I will just tell Clarence you aren't feeling well and that you'll be back tomorrow, and for god's sake sober up man!"
"Ok Helena" I mumbled before she hung up. I felt like death warmed up but at least being so sick killed my pain to some degree over Ursula.

True to form my addictive personality kicked in again and even though I still felt horrible as soon as I sobered up I once again hit the bottle again, this was going to be how it was now, drinking myself into oblivion before the pain went away, naturally I didn't turn up for work again the next day. After I missed my second day of work I heard a knock on the door, I thought it might have been Ursula but after opening I saw it was Helena. "God you look terrible Steven" she said as she saw me.
"Thanks" I replied
"You missed work again.Has something happened?"
"I guess you could say that"
"Is it Ursula? Something wrong with the baby"
"Yeah well there's something wrong with the baby alright, it's not mine"
"Oh my god"
"You were right Helena. Ursula had been sleeping around and it's not mine, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, after all the things I have done I don't deserve any happiness" I dribbled still heavily affected by alcohol.
"What do you mean all the things you've done. if your talking about that clown at the concert then he deserved it"
"No I'm not talking about him. Just things in my past"
"Your being very cryptic Steven. Tell me what you have done and maybe I can help"
"I doubt it. You would hate me for sure" I replied. I so badly needed just to talk to someone and tell them what I had done, if only to take my mind off Ursula if nothing else.
"Come on, you can trust me" she implored wanting me to open up. I knew it was a bad idea but I couldn't help but spill the beans finally.
"I'm responsible for Jesinta's paralysis" I confessed.
"What do you mean? How can you be responisble?" said a puzzled Helena.
"I was the one that shot her" I replied waiting for the outrage. It had come to the point where I didn't care about what happened I would just cop whatever punishment that would be dished out.
"You shot her? You shot Jesinta Marshall? Your joking right?" laughed Helena still not believing me. I looked her in the eye as straight as I could and said "It was me". She just looked at me and straight away her eyes just bulged out and grew the size of saucers upon the realisation that it really was me.
"Oh god. I can't believe it was you. And you have been working at the centre all this time and talking to her" she cried in complete disbelief. "How could you do that? How could you befriend her like you have when you know it was you" she added.
"I tried not to believe me, I didn't even know it was the woman I shot until she told me how she was paralyzed then I just froze and haven't known what to do ever since"
"God this is just insane. I don't even know how this can possibly be true" said Helena who continued in her disbelief. "Jesinta doesn't know though right"
"Of course she doesn't. I don't know how she would react but it wouldn't be pretty"
"God you think!! She would be mortified at finding this out, how can you talk to her and spend time with her knowing what you have done??"
"I don't know. When I found out it was her I originally freaked out then after seeing her a couple of times I wanted to tell her. But then I felt what I thought was my baby kicking inside Ursula and I thought that I had to be here for my child so I decided to keep quiet. I'm ready for whatever punishment comes my way now though so tell the authorities. I won't put up a fight"
"I'm not sure it's my place to tell the authorities Steven. After all I quite like the way Jesinta is" she hinted throwing me completely off.
"What? Did I just hear you right? You like the way Jesinta is?" I asked thinking I must have misheard her.
"You heard right. I like the way Jesinta is, you see Steven I am what is called a devotee"
"A what??"
"A devotee. It's a term used for a person who is turned on by paralysis. I really get horny over quads and Jesinta is one sexy quadriplegic"
I just looked at Helena and couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. I was starting to think the world had gone mad, I had just lost my girlfriend and baby and now I confess to shooting someone leaving them a quadriplegic and the person is telling me they get off on that.
"I can't believe this" I told Helena.
"Well working in a centre filled with paralyzed people I tend to keep it very quiet. I still think what you did is reprehensible but it's not my place to judge as I have been going home every night and playing with myself thinking of Jesinta in that chair" she replied."I think you should turn yourself in but I won't be doing it. Oh and I'd appreciate it also if you didn't tell anyone about me being a devotee but I doubt you will considering what I know about you" she added.

She got that right, I wouldn't be saying anything about anything. As I sat there and tried desperately to gather my thoughts I realised that subconsciously I think I had tried to pass the onus of being honest off myself and onto Helena by telling her I shot Jesinta, leaving it up to her to dob me in as I was too gutless to do it myself. But even that hadn't worked. I was now more confused than ever over everything. "Whoa I still can't believe it was you" marvelled Helena who was still sitting on the couch with me.
"Yeah well believe it. I'm not sure what's more shocking, what you told me or the fact your not dobbing me in"
"Well we all have our desires and passions in life, mine just happen to not be the norm"
"Got that right" I replied. "Where do we go from here" I asked
"Nothing has to change, Just keep going to work as normal"
"What about Jesinta?"
"What about her? If your not going to confess then just keep working at the centre"
"I'm not sure how your going to do it. Spend all day with her knowing what you know now"
"Well you did it. Plus I'm not the one who shot her so my conscience is clear"
"Yeah but you know"
"So what?" she said as she prepared to leave my apartment. I just stood there then closed the door after she left, I flopped back on the couch before drifting off to sleep after an absolutely crazy day certain there would be similar days to come...

Chapter 6
The next day I finally made my way to work after a booze induced couple of days. Strangely my confession to Helena and hers in return had actually made me feel a bit better although I had still had one giant hangover. As I stuffed around in my shed I heard the clicking of a woman's shoes, I turned around and to find it was Helena. "Finally decide to rock up for work?" she asked.
"Yeah. After our little chat the other day it kind of snapped me out of my funk" I replied.
"Well confessing a crime that would probably get you 10 years in jail will probably do that for you" quipped Helena.
"Oh and someone passing it off and offering up their own secret too of course" I replied back continuing the tit for tat.
"Touche' Steven. You seen Jesinta today?"
"No not yet. Can't say I was planning to either"
"I'm looking after her in an hour so I'll bring her around"
"No need I'm good" I replied now knowing that seeing Jesinta would be even more awkward now if that was even possible knowing Helena had designs on her.
"Ok but once I tell her your single again I'm sure she will want to come out and console a poor heartbroken Steven" teased Helena.
"Well don't tell her about Ursula, she doesn't need to know. With her being annoyed with me after finding out about her i have actually got a bit of work done around here"
"Ok Stevey boy I won't bring her out" said Helena as she walked off.
I should have known not to believe Helena as 2 hours later she came by with Jesinta. "Oh Steven I just heard, I'm so sorry" offered a sympathetic Jesinta who had obviously been told of my breakup. "If you need to chat to someone then I'm happy to listen" she added.
"Thanks Jesinta" I replied
"Must be so tough coming to work when your heart must be just aching" Jesinta said continuing on her sympathy trail.
"Yeah it's tough but I will be ok. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" i gestured defiantly.
"Not quite sure that's true in my case but I get what you mean" replied Jesinta. It was amazing how little comments you say to anyone that mean nothing suddenly take on more meaning when your talking to a quadriplegic.
"I know something that will cheer you up. Umm maybe not cheer you up but at least make your forget for a couple of hours maybe"
"And what is that?"
"The centre is renting a big screen and projector for a movie night out here in the gardens. You should come along" enthused Jesinta.
"Sounds interesting" I said not wanting to pour cold water over it.
"So you'll come? It's Saturday night at 6pm"
"Yeah might as well" I replied just deciding to give in.
"I'll be there too" chimed in Helena.
"Oh great" I said acting like I was really excited about it.

Helena and Jesinta took off but soon enough were back again on Saturday. Being the handyman I was it was left to me to put the screen up while someone else fired up the projector to test it out. "This is going to be fun" smiled Jesinta at me as she seemed to be checking me out in my singlet. "Well it starts in two hours so I have to go get ready" she added as her mouth gripped her straw and manoeuvred her wheelchair out of the garden with Helena following. In regards to putting out chairs I knew that most people at the centre would definitely be b-y-o, but I heard that some of the friends and/or family members of the patients or residents of the centre would be coming so I had to put out a few chairs for them, not too many of course as there would need to be room for people to get around in their wheelchairs. It was a tricky thing to manage but I was sure it would all work out. As everything was put in it's place I turned around and there was Jesinta in her wheelchair, she had her hair down and it looked great as it cascaded down either side of her face, she had a very revealing low cut white top which definitely caught the eye and a red skirt which showed off her legs, to finish it off she had red platform sandals with her toes painted a stunning red also. For the first time she really caught my attention due to her beauty and not what I had done to her.

 "Hey Jesinta, you look great"
"You think?" she questioned
"Yeah very hot" I replied
"Oh thanks" she blushed. Helena was naturally with her and we all gathered our positions for the movies. After we got settled and the first movie was about halfway through Jesinta remarked "God it's so awesome sitting out here in the night air watching a movie"
"Yeah it's definitely something different" I replied. As she said that Helena moved and whispered in my ear "She looks hot tonight doesn't she"
"What was that?" said Jesinta hearing Helena whisper something. I thought she might have heard and freaked out.
"Oh I was just saying that it was a good idea. The movies that is" covered Helena.
"Best idea ever" enthused Jesinta even further.
The first movie finished and then just as the second was reaching it's climax a cold breeze suddenly started to blow up making it very chilly, Helena knew this might have happened so pulled out a blanket and placed it onto Jesinta pulling it up to just below her neck. She didn't seem to be too happy having her outfit ruined with a big woolly blanket but knew she needed it as she couldn't feel warmth or the cold. The second movie finished and it was reaching midnight so the decision was made to finish up for the night.
"Well it's been a great night Steven. So glad you could come along" smiled Jesinta.
"No worries. I had a good time"
"Can i ask you something?"
"Yeah sure"
"Can i have a kiss good night?" she asked. I had no idea what to do, I knew I shouldn't kiss her but i didn't have time to think so i moved in and kissed her, I had to admit I wasn't expecting to feel anything but as my lips met hers I felt quite a pleasant sensation, i probably lingered on in the kiss just a fraction too long and I suddenly realised that not only was Helena probably looking at me but others too so I pulled away sharply. Jesinta looked at me and said "Whoa. All i wanted was a simple kiss on the cheek but i guess i will take that!"
"Oh god" I exclaimed knowing then that I had misinterpreted what she said. As I stood there embarrassed I thought at least it made someone happy as I noticed an exuberance to Jesinta i hadn't seen before. Jesinta and Helena said their goodbyes and headed off while I packed up the chairs as most people had left by now and luckily most hadn't seen my kiss. As Jesinta prepared to head inside though once again the Police turned up.

The blue and red lights were flashing like a beacon and i thought for sure now that finally the gig was up, they had to be here for me this time surely, i walked over just to get it over and done with when once again i got another shock. "Jesinta Marshall?" asked the cop.
"Yeah what's this all in aide of?" she questioned.
"We have arrested someone in relation to your shooting" the cop explained further while i just stood there thinking how on earth could they have arrested someone when i did it. "We are confident that it was a man called Ringo Brown. He was already wanted in relation to another murder and we picked up him just yesterday driving the car that was identified as the one used in your shooting, it isn't registered to him but when we went through it we found the gun used to shoot you and it's got his prints all over it so it's more than enough to charge him. He had an accomplice according to a woman who saw the car tearing off but as of yet he hasn't been identified and Ringo isn't talking"
"I can't believe you finally found him" said Jesinta now starting to tear up.
As I stood there I couldn't work out why Ringo hadn't dobbed me in, he wasn't the kind of guy to take a fall for someone but then I realised he was supposed to kill me after I stuffed the original shooting up but he let me go for god knows what reason, I could only assume if Benny knew this there would be big trouble so that's why he was taking the fall.

After a few more questions the police left and Jesinta while upset looked like she finally had a big weight taken off her shoulders, she now thought the man responsible for her condition had been caught and it was at least one less thing to worry about,but in essence it just made everything even more complicated. With the clock now striking 2am Jesinta was exhausted and laid to rest by Helena, after she was settled I headed home but was quickly joined by Helena who had followed me and knocked on the door.
"What are you doing here??" i asked
"Why do you think! Some other guy is taking the fall for you how lucky can you get" she claimed with a smile.
"Oh yeah I'm really lucky. I've had nightmares of that day ever since it had happened" I replied
"Can't be traumatised if your not owning up buddy"
I looked at Helena and knew she had me on that one. I had confessed to her but that was mainly just in the hope she would dob me in so I wouldn't have to.
"Anyway i was thinking we could have a drink" added Helena producing a drink from behind her back. "I know it's probably not wise knowing your drinking habits but I hate to drink alone so how about it?"
I really just wanted to head to bed but I knew I was probably still too rung out to sleep so i reluctantly accepted. Helena poured me a glass of red then herself one and soon enough we found ourselves in conversation and an empty wine bottle. "You know what Steven?" asked Helena ominously.
"I'm thinking we could have a bit of fun"
"Are you saying what i think your saying?"
"Well yes in a sense" she answered cryptically.
"I thought you were a devotee and only got turned on by paralysis. Why would you want me?" I asked. Helena then jumped off the couch before saying" Be back in a minute". I sat there on the couch and wondered what on earth she was doing, after a minute or two she came back in with a dvd.
"You want to watch a porno as we do it?" I commented.
"Haha. Well it's probably porn for me but you will just think it's creepy probably" explained Helena. I wondered what she meant by that comment then I saw what she meant when she pressed play...
Chapter 7
Once Helena pressed play I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it was the centre and there was vision of Jesinta in her hospital room being changed and her activity around the grounds, there was even some vision of conversations the three of us had out in the garden. I just sat there in disbelief.
"How the hell did you do this?" I remarked.
"Well a friend of mine at the centre is a whiz with cameras and like me he has an obsession with paralysis so we rigged up a few cameras so that we can keep an eye on them anytime we like"
"Whoa... your right that is very very creepy" I said stunned at what was in front of me. "It's a bit wrong isn't it?"
"Yeah well shooting someone is wrong too" quipped Helena back. I knew it was true but I really started to wonder who on earth Helena was.
"I think you better head off now" I insisted.
"Why? We haven't done anything yet" protested Helena. "I tell you what I want Stevey boy. I want you take off my jeans and go down on me while i watch Jesinta on the tv. Sound good?"
"No it doesn't bloody sound good" I retorted.
"Come on Steven. You don't want me telling anyone you shot poor Jesinta do you?"
"Yeah well i could tell them about your little video operation and they might be interested in that" I replied.
"You could but once your up for the shooting of Jesinta I will just say it was you who planted the cameras, you work at the centre too and I'll tell the police your obsessed with her. Who do you think they would believe??"
I knew she had me there again, the court would believe her for sure so I had to give in to her wishes. While Helena was reasonably attractive standing about 5"9 with dark hair I didn't enjoy having to pleasure her one bit, she moaned as I continued to use my tongue like never before while she watched her clandestine tapes of Jesinta moving round the centre and being changed no less. Finallly Helena came and she pulled up her pants.
"That wasn't so hard was it?" she beamed fresh off her orgasm. I didn't even think it deserved a response so I just looked at her before asking if I could go to bed now.
"Yes you may. I'm a happy girl now. I guess I better take my dvd though, don't want you getting any ideas" commented Helena retrieving it before finally leaving me alone and in peace. I laid back on the couch and wondered if this whole web of activity surrounding Jesinta could get any weirder but I was sure it probably would.
Naturally enough the next day of work wasn't a quiet one, I secretly tried to have a look to see if I could spot any cameras on the grounds but they must have been well hidden as I couldn't see them, as I looked through one of the rose bushes I saw Jesinta out of the corner of my eye. As soon as I saw her I couldn't get that video of her out of my head, seeing her changed and other intimate moments in her care that I shouldn't have seen. There were just so many things she didn't know about. "Hi Steve" she smiled as she made her way up to me.
"Hey Jesinta"
"I never thought finding the man who paralyzed me would make me happy but when I woke up today I did feel a bit better than usual. Can't wait to see him fry in court" she proclaimed.
I looked at Helena and she had a stupid grin on her face over it all, I was starting to think she was almost worse than me and that was saying something.
"Helena can you give Steve and I a few minutes" asked Jesinta.
"Sure babe" replied Helena heading off several minutes away.
"I don't know how to ask this Steven but do you like me?" queried Jesinta. It wasn't really a question I wanted but I knew I had to answer.
"Sure I like you Jesinta, your a good friend" i replied hoping the friend part would tip her off to hopefully go no further.
"You say friend but I got the feeling there was more in that kiss than just friends. Even if you did just misunderstand what I said"
"I don't know what you want me to say Jesinta"
"I want you to say that you like me. Because ummm.. ahh.. I like Steven"
As soon as I heard that I thought oh no, while I did think she was a remarkable woman how on earth could anything be taken further with her when there were so many secrets still untold. I stood there and knew what I should say but as i looked into her eyes that were so filled with hope I just couldn't say no. "Yes I like you Jesinta"
"Really?" she replied with her eyes lighting up like two little christmas trees.
"Yes really"
"This is so awesome!! I was so nervous asking you and I can't believe you feel the same way. Kiss me!!" she cried in delight. I looked over at Helena who was looking at us in the distance then planted one on her, I felt such guilt doing it but I also couldn't deny that strangely enough I was now starting to have some feelings for her...
Over the next fortnight I spent a bit more time with Jesinta, she was a very smart woman and had a great personality, she mentioned some of the kids she used to work with and how she enjoyed her job so much, she further added that she always told them they could be whoever they wanted to be no matter the limitations, at the moment though she felt guilty that she wasn't taking her own advice and was just wallowing in self pity still over her condition. It had been well over 12 months but she still couldn't comprehend the fact that this was it and she would be completely paralyzed for the rest of her life. After a couple of teary moments she told me she liked to write, obviously she couldn't physically do it anymore but she wanted to write her thoughts and her experiences as a quadriplegic and possibly publish a book on her story one day. While I wanted to encourage her I thought that smelled danger, not immediate danger but still a problem none the less as who knew who would read it.

The court case for Jesinta's shooting soon came around, even though she finally thought she was getting justice it wasn't really a day Jesinta had been looking forward to, she knew she would have to take the stand and talk about how the "shooter" ruined her life and how she copes with being a quadriplegic day in, day out. Obviously she didn't see who did it but the prosecutor wanted her to talk and draw as much sympathy from the judge and jury as possible. As Jesinta was readied for the court case she asked me something once again I really didn't want to be asked.

"Steven the last couple of weeks have been really great getting to know you further and you've become my rock" she confided.
"Yeah well your easy to hang out with" I replied.
"Well with that said can you come to the courtroom with Helena and I?"
I was really hoping she wouldn't ask that, how could I stand there in the courtroom looking at Ringo take the fall while I sit cosied up to the woman I shot? Not only that but I was worried somewhere along the line someone might recognise me somehow from the incident.
"Umm I don't think I can get out of work today. Really busy" I explained hoping to get out of it.
"Seriously? I'm not sure I can go through with it without you there. It will just be the extra push I need" pleaded Jesinta.
"I'm sure Clarence won't mind if you take the afternoon off" Helena chimed in much to my chagrin.
"Oh ok then. I'll come" I said reluctantly while Helena gave me a grin knowing how compromised I was.
"You were right Helena. He is coming" mentioned a now happy Jesinta to Helena.
"Well Steven is a good man of course he is going to come. Right Steven?" taunted Helena. I should have known it was her idea to get Jesinta to ask me, while i had my faults Helena had a sick mind and who knew what she had in store down the track. Jesinta was loaded into the van wearing a nice black jacket with a fitted red shirt and black pants, she had black flats on her feet and what appeared to be black stockings also to continue the theme,her dyed brown hair had been braided and i thought she looked quite cute all suited up but i was far too nervous to enjoy it, I started up the motor and we all headed off to the courthouse.

The case was being heard at a court closer to where we used to live so that meant it was a long road trip in the van, by the end of it Jesinta didn't feel too well, she knew her victim impact statement would help to put the man who she thought shot her away for a while so she just worked past the way she felt. As we entered the courtroom Jesinta sipped and puffed her wheelchair into a spot that had been reserved for her as she naturally needed a bit of room. We all sat there for close to 10 minutes before Ringo was led into the courtroom with handcuffs on, as soon as he appeared I had a bit of a nervous swallow, he stood there just metres away as his handcuffs were taken off, he had his head down and didn't seem to notice me sitting just metres away, I started to then think somehow magically I could get through this without being seen as he would now have his back to me facing the judge and front of the courtroom.

After a few more minutes the jury appeared followed by the judge, he was quite old and looked like he was a hard man who wouldn't go lightly on repeat offenders like Ringo even though he was innocent of this crime. The first witness came up and it was a woman, after a few questions that meant nothing I learned that she was the woman I had heard scream after seeing the shooting, straight away I wanted to somehow hide my face worried she may have seen me, I had a mask on when doing the shooting but for a period before that I didn't and it was a well known fact in the case that she saw two people in the car driving away. After a few more questions she finally hopped off the stand, as she went to walk out she looked directly at me, my heart stopped for several seconds before she averted her gaze and walked out. I took a big breath and knew that I couldn't take much more of this....

After some more submissions the court broke for a recess, when we got back it would be Jesinta's turn to get up on the stand and she was starting to doubt herself again. "I'm not sure I can do this" she said starting to tear up.
"Sure you can. Just answer the questions asked of you and tell them your condition. You will be fine" I assured her. As per usual Helena looked at me with her stupid smirk. As I turned around after trying to console Jesinta I suddenly made eye contact with Ringo who was being led back into the courtroom after recess, as soon as he saw me his eyes went as big as saucers, he couldn't believe that I would show my face here and I had to admit I was thinking the same thing, he looked over and saw that I had my hand on Jesinta's forearm. "I don't know how you can live with yourself" he said to me as he was led past. I just stood there frozen before Jesinta asked me "What was that all about? The way he was looking at you it was as if he knew you or something"
"No i have no idea" I manage to mumble out.
"You sure?" asked Jesinta
"Yeah I'm sure. He's a hardened criminal why would I know him?"
"Your probably right. Who knows what goes through his head the mongrel, he did this to me after all for no good reason" exploded Jesinta.
"Let's not worry about him just concentrate on what you want to say on the stand" I replied as we all made our way back into the courtroom. It was fair to say I was now quite shaken and I just wanted this day to be over with.......

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